Louisville (Ky.);Asian studies collection;Asian Study Group;Culture & immigration;Chinese American families
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2014.035.006 The Family Journey of Helen Lang

Helen Lew Lang (1926-20017) founded the Crane House in Louisville, Kentucky, an internationally recognized center for learning about Chinese and Asian culture. She also established an Asian Studies Program at the University of Louisville. During the interview, Helen, at age of 88, talks about the immigration history of her family, when and how her parents came to America, her siblings and what influences they had on her as the youngest child in the family. She also talks about her life after meeting her husband, how she and her husband started the Crane House for Chinese families, then invited other Asian families, and how non-Asians became involved on the board to run it as a non-profit. She discusses her education and childrearing, including being involved in university groups and the PTA as well as raising children who were proud of their heritage. Helen supports the mission of MOCA as well as other museums and cultural institutions. Her family collection is housed at the Filson Historical Society in Louisville. This interview was the first Journey Wall donor interview MOCA has done.