2016.037.028 Oral History Interview with Cori Xiong and Hen Chan
Cori Xiong and Hen Chan started the Mala Sichuan Bistro restaurant business in Houston, Texas. The two met while studying at University of Texas Austin. Xiong father was a food engineer in Sichuan, China and convinced Xiong to start her own family business. With the help of family, Xiong was able to bring authentic Sichuan flavors to the United States. All the chefs that work in her restaurants have studied at a culinary school in Sichuan. Xiong and Chan both believe that regional Chinese cuisine will continue to be popularized and accepted in America. They hope to see a future where Americans are more sensitive to authentic Chinese food.

0:00 - Cori Xiong and Hen Chan are 30 and 29 respectively, Mala Sichuan Bistro, Both immigrated in their teens to the U.S. in Texas, Met at U.T. Austin Cori Xiong 和 Hen Chan 分别是 30 岁和 29 岁,麻辣四川小酒馆,都在十几岁的时候移民到美国德克萨斯州,在德州大学奥斯汀分校相遇

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3:07 - Childhood memories in China, Grandparents cooked, Street food, Ate spicy food in all meals, Preserved vegetables, First food memories, Making dumplings, Street vendors 在中国的童年记忆,祖父母做饭,街头小吃,每餐都吃辛辣食物,腌制蔬菜,第一次食物记忆,包饺子,街头小贩

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12:00 - Typical meal at home, Rice and porridge, Stew forms, Family did not eat out a lot, Decision to open a restaurant, Did not want a 9 to 5 job, Setting own goals, Experience with father’s restaurant 典型的家常饭, 米饭和粥, 炖菜, 家人很少在外面吃饭, 决定开餐厅, 不想朝九晚五的工作, 设定自己的目标, 父亲餐厅的经验

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18:26 - Father was a food engineering professor in Sichuan, Has connections with many cooks, Authentic Sichuan food from China, Bring Chinese cuisine to America, Most memorable dish 父亲是四川的一名食品工程教授,与许多厨师有联系,来自中国的正宗川菜,将中国菜带到美国,最令人难忘的菜

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26:01 - Essential ingredients, Few resources in China, Fermented beans, Hot sauces, Spices, Red Chilis, Oils, Dad brings ingredients from China to the U.S. 必备原料,中国的稀少资源,发酵豆,辣酱,香料,红辣椒,油,爸爸从中国带原料到美国

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33:06 - American taste for Chinese food, People are more open to trying regional Chinese food, Americans are now more open minded 美国人对中国菜的口味,人们更愿意尝试区域中国菜,美国人现在更开放

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36:35 - Difficult to be the Chef owner, Head chefs are all from Sichuan, Food legacy you hope to leave, Pioneer introducing authentic Sichuan cuisine 既当厨师又当餐馆老板难做,主厨都是四川人,希望留下的美食遗产,引入正宗川菜的先锋

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39:21 - Dish that you want to be remembered by, Mapo Tofu has not changed overtime, Biggest culinary influence, Dad and Chefs, Staying true to your own style 想被人记住的菜,麻婆豆腐从未改变,最大的烹饪影响,爸爸和厨师,忠于自己的风格

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45:19 - Chinese immigrants shaped the food culture in America, Foods that you cannot live without, Sichuan spicy food 中国移民塑造了美国的饮食文化,你不能没有的食物,四川辣的食物

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52:25 - Next big thing in Chinese cuisine in America, Regional cuisine, Houston Chinatown is diverse in regional Chinese cuisine 美国中国菜的下一件大事,地方菜,休斯顿唐人街的地方中国菜多种多样

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