0:00 - Introductions, family history (father from Shenyang, mother from hangzhou), her parent’s appearance and personality, her parent’s education, her father’s role in the Japanese unconditional surrender during WWII, Moving to Taiwan from Nanjing in 1949, living in Taiwan and her thoughts about American at the time.
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10:59 - Meeting her husband, getting married in Taiwan, first impressions after moving to the US, relationship with the rest of the family in Taiwan, thoughts on Pan American Airlines.
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21:14 - Values imparted on her by her parents, moving her relatives to the US, Chinese traditions she continues to impart on her family, living in Queens in the 70s, her impressions of Manhattan’s Chinatown in the 70s.
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31:40 - His feelings about his sister, Tina, moving to the US and getting married, impressions of the US before immigrating, his other sister immigrating to the US, coming to the US for grad school (Louisiana Tech), leaving grad school and moving to NY, working in a restaurant in NY.
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41:12 - Sending money home to Taiwan and saving money for school, importance of education over earning money, graduating from Louisiana Tech, thoughts about where is home to him.
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47:12 - Introductions, Diana talks about her thoughts when her sister (Tina) moved to the US, Diana talks about her academic aspirations in the US, Diana talks about her family home environment growing up in Taiwan, her journey to the US to study biology at Binghamton, meeting her husband Charles, Charles talks about his reasons for coming to the US, Charles’s thoughts on America when he was going to school in Louisiana, Diana’s thoughts on America when she first arrived.
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56:35 - Charles talks about going to school in Louisiana, meeting each other in Texas, Diana talks about her Christian faith, deciding to raise a family in San Jose, Charles talks about his working career.
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65:55 - Diana and Charles talk about where is home, Diana and Charles talk about the Chinese traditions they hope to pass onto the next generation of their family.
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71:36 - Thoughts about the family being reunited in America, decision to bring their mother to America, Diana talks about her mother’s personality, discussions of the origination of the “Kung” surname and their father’s history, best traits of the “Kung” family, Family names spoken in Chinese.
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