1994.007.029 Oral History Interview with Yu Rong Zhu 1993/04/23


In this interview, Yu Rong Zhu discusses his first sixty years of life, in which he witnessed the Japanese Invasion, the Chinese Civil War, and the Cultural Revolution. He reflects on the decision to move to America, his first two years in San Francisco, and his subsequent move to Brooklyn Chinatown (or the Sunset Park neighborhood of Brooklyn). Zhu compares the lifestyle, living conditions, and apartment rental situation in the Chinatown communities of Brooklyn and Manhattan. He considers neighborhood crime, inter-ethnic relations, and the difficulties of life as a Chinese immigrant. Interview in Cantonese conducted by Mary Lui.

0:13 - 自我介绍,在广东的60年, 工程师生涯,1988年抵达三藩市 Self-introduction, 60 years in Guangzhong, work as civil engineer, arriving in San Francisco in 1988

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7:23 - 年迁移纽约,家庭团圆并定居日落公园,生活开支 Moving to New York in 1990, family reunion and settling in Sunset Park, living expenses

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15:27 - 对比纽约和广州的公共安全, 在日落公园一带发生抢劫和其他犯罪行为 Comparing public safety between New York and Guangzhou, robbery and crimes around Sunset Park

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26:47 - 他的孩子妻子和他们的职业, 帮人阅读和代写信件, 重归中国的不确定 His children, wife and their occupations, reading and typing letters for people, uncertainty about returning to China

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34:31 - 重拾来到美国前的记忆, 台山祖籍和家族族谱历史 Recollecting memories before coming to America, Taishan origin and family genealogical history

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45:34 - 新移民要面对的来美国前后的那些困难 The difficulties faced before and after coming to America as new immigrants

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55:47 - 对唐人街的态度,八大道的变化和发展, 在邻里的日常生活 Attitudes toward Chinatown, changes and development at 8th Avenue, daily life in the neighborhood

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63:47 - 跟家人和其他种族的人的关系,在美国的合法与不合法的中国人及其他日常问题 Relationships with family and people of other races, legal or illegal Chinese in America, daily problems

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