0:00 - 介绍,出生地,童年社区;20世纪20年代的布鲁克林社区 Introduction, birthplace, childhood neighborhood; Brooklyn in the 1920s
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4:01 - 家庭历史,排华法案的影响,洗衣业 Family history, effects of Exclusion Act, laundry business
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10:07 - 童年记忆,兄弟姐妹,在一个与意大利和黑人混住的社区长大 Childhood memories, siblings, growing up in a mixed neighborhood with Italians and Blacks
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16:05 - 搬回中国求学,文化冲击,因为”排华法“在美国的种族歧视 Moving back to China for education, culture shock, discrimination in the US because of Chinese Exclusion Act
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18:16 - 中日战争,作为难民移民回美国,定居曼哈顿 Sino-Japanese War, immigrated back to the US as refugees and settled in Manhattan
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25:20 - 经济萧条时期的财政问题,补贴收入,男人和女人都不得不工作 Financial problems during the depression, chores to subsidize income, men and women both had to work
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29:13 - 家庭的重要,家庭出游,单身叔叔把他们当作自己的孩子 Importance of family, family outings, bachelor uncles would take them as their own children
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32:43 - 第二次世界大战及其对家庭生活的影响,男人们被征兵入伍,女人们在战争期间工作,支援将士们 World War II and its impact on the family life, males drafted into the military, females working during the war to support soldiers
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41:29 - 夜总会生活,在娱乐界的亚裔们,黄皮肤 Nightclub life, Asians in the entertainment industry, yellowface
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44:51 - 育儿之间的代际差异,给与孩子们的机会 Generational differences between parenting, opportunities given to children
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59:22 - 华裔美国人的身份和认同,阅读和教育的重要性 Chinese American identity and acceptance, importance of reading and education
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63:29 - 去看电影,经济困难 Going to the movies, financial hardships
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66:35 - 作为女性,接受大学教育,对女性接受教育的代际分歧 Obtaining a college education as females, generational disagreements about female education
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