0:36 - 口述者的出生地,出生时间,成长地,家庭成员,以及全家人赴美以前在香港的生活情况 Narrator's birthplace and age, being raised in Hong Kong: family members and life
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19:05 - 对美国的初步印象,在布鲁克林prospect park附近的生活体验 Impression of the US and life near Prospect Park, Brooklyn
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30:55 - 在唐人街的生活体验: 租房和工作 Life in Chinatown: house renting and work
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36:31 - 在八大道附近的生活情况: 租房,工作,工作市场和租房市场的情况 Life near 8th Ave., Brooklyn: renting, work, job market and private rental market
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40:20 - 对比布鲁克林,曼哈顿和皇后区的唐人街,以及他们的发展情况 Comparison and development of the Chinatowns in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens
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47:41 - 在制衣厂的工作情况 Work at a garment factory in Brooklyn
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55:55 - 子女的年龄和婚姻情况 Children’s ages and marriage
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57:03 - 画廊的生意:缘起,心得,对未来的期许和对商业租赁市场的意见 Gallery business: origin, experience, expectation, and opinion on commercial rental market
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64:42 - 现在布鲁克林的华人生活情况: 租房情况,活动区域,工作类型和娱乐生活 Chinese American life in 1993 Brooklyn: renting, activity, work, and entertainment
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74:16 - 华人和别的族群的关系,以及华人的家庭观念 Chinese Americans' relationships with other groups of people and their family values
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