2017.041.002 The Family Journey of John and Tina Yuan
In this interview, Tina and John Yuan share the journey of their families from China to Taiwan, where they were born, to the US, where they met and built their own family. They mention their parents’ experiences in China, their early childhood in Taiwan, culture shocks when migrating to the US during the 1970s, adolescent school years, the encounters of Chinese communities, and fostering their son as a Chinese American.

0:00 - Introduction, John’s parents moving to Taiwan from Shanghai(1960s), John’s immigration to the US with his family (1970), Tina’s parents moving from Hubei to Taiwan with their families (1940s), Tina’s early childhood (born in 1963),Tina’s family business (a bus company in Taiwan), Tina’s immigration to the US with her family (1975), their culture shock. 访谈背景介绍,John父母自上海移居台湾(1960年代),John同家人移民美国(1970年),Tina父母随其各自的家庭自湖北移居台湾(1940年代),Tina的童年(1963年出生),Tina的家族事业(台湾的一家巴士公司),Tina随家人移居美国(1975年),他们的文化冲击

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8:05 - Their parents’ immigrations to Taiwan during the Chinese Civil War, John father’s wartime memories in China, Tina father’s memory about the Japanese invasion, Tina and John’s early childhood (Taiwan), Taiwanese cuisines. 国共内战时他们父母移居台湾,John父亲于中国战时的记忆,Tina父亲关于日军侵略的记忆,Tina与John的童年时光(台湾),台湾美食

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15:59 - First few years in the US, John living in Queens, Attending to Chinese school, going Chinatown during weekends, Moving to Flushing, Flushing back in the 1970s (few Asian residents). 迁美头几年,John住在皇后区,赴中国学校,每个周末走访唐人街,移居法拉盛,1970年代的法拉盛(仅少数亚裔居民)

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20:47 - Tina living and educated in Garden City, Long Island, Challenges of learning English, Being the minority Asian kid in school, The impact of Bruce Lee’s movies on their brothers, Tina parent’s businesses (stationery stores), Tina retaining Mandarin, visiting Chinatown (for movies, food, grocery), movies and theaters (Sun Sing Theatre), both remember a char siu restaurant staff. Tina在长岛花园市居住上学,学习英文的挑战,作为少数的亚裔学生,李小龙功夫电影对他们兄长的影响,Tina父母的事业(文具店),Tina维持中文水平,唐人街(去看电影、吃美食、买日常杂货),电影及影院(新声戏院),他们对一位叉烧店员的记忆

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31:36 - Memories about restaurants (Hop Kee, Sun Lok Kee, 456, bakeries serving sticky rice, Chinese Ice Cream Factory, Peking Duck House). 关于餐厅的记忆(合记、新乐记、四五六、卖糯米饭的面包店、华埠雪糕行、枫林阁馆北京烤鸭)

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35:14 - Family attitudes toward education, John mother’s attitude about the accelerated class, Tina’s family moving to Horatio Parkway, Bayside, then Foresthill, and then Flushing, Tina encountering Chinese community (Foresthill High School). 家庭对教育的态度,John的母亲对资优班的看法,Tina家搬至湾区霍雷肖百汇,而后森林小丘,而后法拉盛,Tina邂逅华人社群(森林小丘高中)

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40:58 - John’s school years, Tina attending Chinese Church, Meeting Chinese people, Receiving guidance, Struggles during college. John的校园时光,Tina参与华人教会,遇见华人,接受指导,为大学打拼

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49:28 - Meeting each other through John’s sister, Marrying (1999), Tina’s career on Wall Street, John’s career in Long Island, Having their son, Kyle (2000), Tina shocked by 911, Having their own clinic. 因John的姊妹而相遇,结婚(1999),Tina在华尔街的事业,John在长岛的事业,他们的儿子Kyle出生(2000),Tina在911中的经验,创立他们自己的诊所

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58:21 - Having their own clinic (2001), John’s experiences of being a doctor, Educations for their son, Their son’s identity struggles, Their son learning Asian American history. 创立他们自己的诊所(2001),John从医经验,儿子的教育,儿子的身份认同挣扎,儿子学习亚裔美国人历史

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67:01 - Tina and John’s core value from Asia/China, Worried their son’s lack of Asian value, Tina’s definition of “home.” Tina与John的核心价值来自亚洲/中国,担心儿子缺乏亚洲价值,Tina对“家”的定义

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