2017.041.001 The Family Journey of Victor Chen
Victor Chen is a writer. In this interview, he discusses how his family came to America and settled in New York in 1949; his education on the Upper West Side, in boarding school, and at university; and his work at The New Yorker in the 1970s. He also mentions his books, which tell how he has been led to believe in a number of fictions and myths in history. (His doctor says that the shakiness of his body in this interview may be a side effect of his medication.)

0:00 - Introduction, Born in China (1945), Journey to the US (1949), Parents studying in the US (before 1941). 介绍访谈背景及受访者,于中国出生(1945年),迁美旅途(1949年),父母于美就学(1941年以前)

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7:39 - Reading Perry Mason Mysteries as a child, Interested in journalism, Family’s migrations in New York City, Being in the periphery of American society, Experiences about the Chinese American community. 儿时阅读梅森探案集,对新闻学感兴趣,举家于纽约市内的迁徙,生于美国社会的边陲、华裔美国社群的相关经验

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12:06 - Speaking English at home, Taught Mandarin by father, Attending boarding school, the shaping of his personality, including the academic side. 于家中使用英语,父亲教导华语,于寄宿学校就学,成就其日后人格,尤其包含学术方面

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14:09 - Buying huge bags of rice from Chinatown, Parents starting importing business, Being a writer at the New Yorker, Mother passed away and father starting his second life (1964), Going to Yale University (1962) 从唐人街购入大包的米,双亲开始进口事业,成为《纽约客》作家,母亲去世且父亲开始第二人生(1964年),进入耶鲁大学(1962年)

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21:31 - Relationships with his brothers (Lincoln and Arthur), Mother passed away and father starting his second life (1964, in more detail), Relationship with father, Family preserving their history, Identifying himself as Chinese American, Frank Ching’s invitation to establishthe Bridge magazine (1973), Ching’s achievements, Relationship with the Chinese American community. 兄弟关系(Lincoln及Arthur),母亲去世且父亲开始第二人生(1964年,更多细节),父子关系,家人典藏家族史,自我认同为华裔美国人,Frank Ching邀请创立杂志《桥》(1973年),Ching的成就,与华裔美国社群的关系

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30:36 - Addressing his book, The Age of Illusion, Rethinking Kennedy assassination, Conspiracy theoryand its impacts on his life. 提及他的著作《虚幻的时代》,反思肯尼迪暗杀案,阴谋论及其影响

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