2016.037.030 Oral History Interview with Ho-chin Yang and Ellen Yang 2015/12/15
This oral history focuses on the culinary practice of Ho-chin Yang. He discusses foods that he ate while growing up and moving to the United States. He reflects on the difference between Chinese and American food. Yang was first a language teacher then transitioned into a restaurant owner and cook at his restaurant the Home Plate Café. He later went on to teaching and instructed cooking and language classes.

0:00 - Introduction, birthplace, communism during childhood, family of famers, Japanese invasion while in elementary school, the start of the civil war, leaving for Taiwan for school 简介、出生地、童年时期的共产主义、农民家庭、小学时的日本侵略、内战开始、去台湾上学

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8:11 - Foods eaten while growing up, eating rice rather than noodles, Chinese Communist occupation, reasons for moving to Taiwan with only his father, feelings towards leaving his community for Taiwan 成长过程中吃的食物,吃米饭不吃面条,中共占领,只跟父亲一起移居台湾的原因,离开自己的社区去台湾的感受

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18:51 - Moving to America, going to college in America. Working in the United States, becoming citizens of America, unique foods from different provinces of China and Taiwan 移居美国,在美国上大学。在美国工作,成为美国公民,来自中国和台湾不同省份的特色食物

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25:42 - Reactions to American food, the difference of Chinese American food to Chinese food, transitioning from being a teacher to owning a restaurant 对美式食物的反应,美式中餐与中式中餐的区别,从一名教师到餐厅老板的转变

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31:53 - Learning about restaurant management, traveling, finding a restaurant and buying it, becoming a chef, starting to cook Chinese food, signature dish 学习餐厅管理,旅游,找到一个餐厅买下来,当厨师,开始做中餐,招牌菜

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42:06 - Health department enjoying Chinese food at Home Plate Café, cooking hamburgers, growing the business, buying more property, his children, moving to a bigger restaurant 卫生部门在Home Plate Café享用中餐、烹饪汉堡包、发展业务、购买更多房产、他的孩子们、发展到更大的餐厅

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52:32 - Teaching cooking classes, types of foods cooked in the class and offered at the restaurant, going back as a language teacher 教授烹饪课程,在课堂上烹饪并在餐厅提供的食物类型,回归作一名语言老师

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59:19 - His daughter and how she did in school, supporting his children, the differences between what rich and poor families cook and look for in food 他的女儿以及她在学校的表现、抚养他的孩子们、富人和穷人家庭烹饪和寻找食物的差异

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70:21 - Favorite foods, differences of taste and cooking in the way duck is prepared. How food tastes have changed personally 最喜欢的食物,准备方式的不同味道不同烹饪鸭子的方式也不同。个人的食物口味如何改变

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77:13 - Foods often eaten, having a mini stroke, relationship with his father, relationship with his children, cooking meat 经常吃的食物,得了一次小中风,与父亲的关系,与孩子们的关系,煮肉

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