2016.037.008 Oral History Interview with Gilroy and Sally Chow 2015/12/21
In this interview of Gilroy and Sally Chow (interviewed separately), the couple talk about their relationship with food throughout their live. As second or third generation immigrants of an ethnic Chinese background who grew up in the American South, their interview reveals the way that Chinese food is passed down through generations as a powerful component of culture and the way it morphs over time to become apart of the multifaceted lives of immigrant families. Gilroy and Sally express the joy they find in cooking, the importance of cooking as a family value, and the way in which cooking plays a central role in their lives as they continue to recreate, innovate, and experiment with food.

0:00 - Introduction, growing up in Mississippi, experience growing up in family that owned grocery store owner, mother cooking Chinese and American food, grandfather coming to US, grandfather’s travels and handmade items, large extended family 访谈背景介绍,在密西西比州长大,成长经历,家里开杂货店,母亲中西餐都会做,爷爷如何搬至美国,爷爷的旅行和手工制品,大家庭

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8:11 - School experience and being in a band, learning English and losing Chinese, food she ate growing up and holiday food, mother’s home cooking, learning how to cook after marriage, her uncle’s oyster dressing 学校的经历和上学时参加乐队的回忆,学习英文的同时忘记了中文,成长过程中吃的菜和过节时的美食,母亲的家常菜,婚后学习如何做饭,她叔叔做的蚝油

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19:58 - Developing cooking skills, nostalgia about different tastes, recreating dishes, shrimp Cantonese dish, combining cuisines, essential ingredients (sesame oil) 培养烹饪手艺,怀念不同的味道,再现一些菜品,广式虾,结合不同得烹调风格,必要的佐料(香油)

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28:52 - Chinese restaurants in Clarksdale, different regional Chinese cuisines, cooking with her friend, cooking and Chinese identity 克拉克斯代尔的中餐馆,中国不同地方的菜系,与朋友一起做饭,烹饪与华裔的身份

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35:00 - Favorite foods, identity 最喜欢的食物,身份问题

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37:21 - Growing up in Mississippi and moving to New York City, father’s business and moving around, awareness of ethnic identity, diverse school, rarely eating in restaurants, home cooked meals, starting to work in restaurant business, learning how to cook 在密西西比长大后搬至纽约城,父亲的生意和多次搬家,对种族认同的意识,多种族的学校,不常在餐馆吃饭,家常饭,开始在餐馆中工作,学会如何做饭

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48:42 - How he met his wife Sally, marriage in 1970, food as part of family life, children inheriting love of food 与夫人Sally的初遇,1970结婚,饮食为家庭生活的一部分,孩子继承了对饮食的热爱

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56:30 - Father coming to US from Guangdong, father’s life and various occupations (commercial farmer, restaurant owner, etc.), about restaurant The Mandarin, commercial Chinese food vs. authentic Chinese food, food when he was growing up 父亲从广东来到美国,父亲的生活与不同的职业工作(商业农场主,餐馆老板,等等),关于餐馆The Mandarin, 餐馆里做得中餐与正宗中餐的对比,他成长时的饮食

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71:47 - Food and family, food and holiday traditions, favorite foods, key ingredients (oyster sauce, sesame oil), food he dislikes 饮食与家庭,饮食与节日习俗,最喜欢的食品,关键的佐料(耗油,香油),他不喜欢吃的食物

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83:02 - Career as engineer, food he and his wife make is homestyle, cooking to entertain others, sharing food, home cooked roast pork 职业为工程师,他与夫人做得菜为家常菜,做菜取悦他人,分享食品,自制烤猪肉

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