2016.037.004 Oral History Interview with Chris Cheung 2015/11/01
Chris Cheung is a Chinese-American chef who owns the restaurant, East Wind Snack Shop. He was raised in Chinatown and Bensonhurst, exposing him to both Chinese and Italian food at a young age. He grew up in 1970s and 1980s New York and recalls generational differences in Chinese restaurants. The teahouses that he enjoyed as a child have transformed. As Cheung grew older, he worked at several Asian restaurants. He began to work with high profile names in the culinary world; he learned technical skills. When Cheung took a trip to a rural village off the coast of Shanghai, he experienced cooking daily banquets. Afterwards, he studied with a Hong Kong dim sum master, who helped him perfect his craft. As Cheung ancestry is from Toisan, China, he was inspired to recreate a Toisan teahouse. East Wind Snack Shop specializes in dumplings, baos, and dim sum. Cheung wanted to revive the community aspect the teahouses brought; these teahouses were replaced by bakeries. Cheung explains the way Asian cuisine has no weight in the culinary world. He hopes that his legacy will pave a way for Chinese cuisine to enter the mainstream and serve many.

0:00 - Grandparents settled from Toisan, China, Grew up in Chinatown and Bensonhurst, East Wind Snack Shop is inspired by Toisan teahouses, Rural peasant cuisine turned gourmet, Working class neighborhood 祖父母从中国台山来定居,在唐人街和本森赫斯特长大,东风小吃店的灵感来自台山茶馆,乡下菜变成美食,打工阶级邻里社区

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4:21 - Chinese soups were made for health, Bitter herbs in soups, Noisy teahouses had different classes of people, Moving out of Chinatown, Started school in Brooklyn, Mother worked at the garment sweatshops 中国汤是为了健康,汤里有苦的中药食材,嘈杂的茶馆里有不同阶层的人,搬出唐人街,在布鲁克林开始上学,母亲在服装血汗工厂工作

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10:28 - Helping out in the kitchen was mandatory, Started as a prep cook at a comedy club, Culinary school, Internship program at Thai restaurant, Worked with Ed Brown, Nobu in Tribeca in early nineties 在厨房帮忙是强制性的,开始在喜剧俱乐部作预备厨师,烹饪学校,在泰国餐厅实习,九十年代初在翠贝卡的Nobu餐厅与Ed Brown一起工作

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15:46 - Worked at Thaifoon Brewery, High class restaurant John George, Learned the French and European styles, Did not eat high class while working, Time perfecting craft, Learning to source products 曾在Thaifoon Brewery, 高级餐厅John George工作,学习法国和欧洲风格,工作时没有吃高级餐,时间完善工艺,学习找到产品的出处

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21:58 - Open restaurant reminiscent of a Teahouse style, Generational difference, Bakeries replaced Teahouses, Felt that a cooking culture was lost 开了一家具有怀旧茶馆风格的餐厅,代际差异,面包店取代了茶馆,感觉失去了一种烹饪文化

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27:13 - 1970s - 1980s New York, Grew up near gangs, Violence was frequent, Whole community knew each other, Asian cuisine is not ethnically specific, Chinese cuisine transformed respectability, Worked as a manager for an Asian fusion restaurant 1970年代到1980年代的纽约,在帮派附近长大,经常发生暴力事件,整个社区都互相认识,亚洲菜没有种族特定,中国菜改观了华人的体面,在一家亚洲融合餐厅担任经理

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34:42 - Elite Chinese restaurant, Learned from other Chefs, Visited China at the coast of Shanghai, Cooked banquets in village, Fresh food from farm 精英中餐厅,向其他厨师学习,在上海沿海访问中国,乡村美食盛宴,农场新鲜食物

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39:56 - Learned from Hong Kong Dim Sum Master, Laid the basis to be a chef, Chinese food created through survival, Cooking for ourselves is different from the culinary aspect, Chinese immigrants made food for survival and business, Interest in Chinese food growing 师从香港点心大师,为做厨师打下基础,中国菜是靠生存创造的,从烹饪的角度来说给自己做饭是不一样的,中国移民做食物是为了生存和生意,对中国菜的兴趣越来越大

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47:02 - East Wind Snack Shop menu has seven items, Known for dumplings, Both the chef and the cook, Specific measures for dumplings, Chasing the perfect dumpling 东风小吃店菜单有七项,以饺子著称,既作大厨又作厨师,饺子的具体方法,追求完美的饺子配方

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53:34 - Legacy to leave behind, Depiction of Chinese food in culinary world, Do not forget roots of Chinese cuisine 留下的遗产,描绘烹饪世界中的中国菜,不要忘记中国菜的根源

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