2016.033.004 The Family Journey of The Lui Family
In this interview with MOCA, four siblings from the Lui Family sit down to discuss their childhood in early 20th century Chinatown. Sisters, Effie and Fannie, begin with a description of their family members and their life in a tenement apartment. They also explain the root of their Christian faith and the role of ministers as community social workers. The sisters then examine the tensions between the Chinese and Italians in the neighborhood and the development of their Chinese American identity. Brothers, Harold and Ronald, then describe their parents’ immigration experience and their siblings’ educations. They also further discuss the importance of the Church in their lives and the challenge of paper son identities. The four siblings ultimately join to discuss the effect on World War II on their family and the conflicts between their Chinese identity and strong Christian faith. They close the interview with a discussion of the importance of family and faith in leaving behind value and a legacy.

0:10 - 开场介绍,在纽约市的童年;在租住的公寓的生活 Introduction, childhood in NYC; life in tenement apartment

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10:07 - 中国家庭的基督教;恩典信仰使命; 基督徒牧师是社区社工 Christianity in Chinese family; Grace Faith Mission; Christian ministers were community social workers

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15:54 - 典型的美国童年;同警察的关系,非常正面,友好,是这条街道上唯一一家中国家庭 Classic American childhood; relationship with policemen very positive, friendly; the only Chinese family on the block

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23:07 - 在公立23小学读书;中文学校;妹妹谈社区中,中国孩子与意大利裔孩子之间的冲突,姐姐不记得有种族歧视的事情 Childhood education at PS 23; Chinese School; tension between the Chinese and Italians in the neighborhood; do not recall discrimination

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28:42 - 华裔美国人身份认知的发展;中国的节日;中国人和日本人的区别 Development of Chinese American identity; Chinese holidays; distinguish between Chinese and Japanese

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31:15 - 主要的中国餐;美国文化和中国文化在烹饪中的融合;酱油 Chinese food as main cuisine; fusion of American and Chinese cultures in cuisine; soy sauce

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34:29 - 家庭移民背景;中文英文及方言的使用;父亲,最年长的兄弟姐妹是领导楷模;孩子们的大学教育和互相照应 Family immigration background; use of Chinese and English languages/dialects; oldest sibling as leader, role model; educational attainment through college; take care each other in childhood

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52:02 - 教堂生活的重要性;牧师在监狱里做中国人的翻译,离婚赌博移民,被遣返的威胁 Importance of the Church to life; pastor worked as translator in the prisons; bachelor divorce, gambling, and immigration, threat of deportation

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53:48 - 纸儿子身份;假身份面临的挑战 paper son identity; challenge of fake identities

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57:52 - 父母移民经历,父亲很忙,社区互相照应 Parents immigration experience, hard work of father figure, people took care of each other in the community

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62:38 - 帮派,放学后意大利裔和华裔男孩子之间的暴力;家庭风纪在中国身份和强大的基督信仰之间的冲突 gang, violence between Italian and Chinese boys after school; discipline in the family conflicts between Chinese identity and strong Christian faith

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76:19 - 二战对整个家庭日常生活的影响;华埠社区中的平等友好关系;家族协会 How World War II affected daily life for the entire family; racial tensions in society; showing patriotism for the US

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86:28 - 家里很多单身叔叔的生活,带孩子们出去 Bachelor life of many uncles in the family, brought kids out

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88:42 - 留给后代的家庭历史遗产和价值; 家庭的重要;基督信仰的的角色 Legacy and values left behind; importance of family; role of Christianity

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