2015.048.007 The Family Journey of Richard Ong
Richard Wong, later changed to Richard Ong, was born to a paper son who later became naturalized through the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. His mother was able to come to America through the War Brides Act of 1945. His family eventually settled in a suburb in East Rockaway New York, where they worked and lived in and behind a laundromat. Richard became a Catholic during his childhood years. He later went on to attend Princeton, describing his suburban upbringing as an experience that has helped him adjust to the predominantly white old-school / old-boys culture. However the suburban experience also seemed to alienate him from the members of the Third World Center, a place where minorities on campus would gather to socialize. While Richard originally majored in the Sciences at Princeton, he soon realize that there was not much room for growth without a PHD in the biotech industry. After briefly exploring a career in management within biotech, he eventually switched to a career in the financial sector once he attended Columbia Business School. He later became a partner with McCowan Associates and joined his current firm, Eagle Capital afterwards.

0:00 - Introduction, Father coming to the US in 1927, Mother as a war bride, Father’s brother having a laundry, Father as a paper son, Father serving in the army, Changing to his right name, Depression, Working at a hand wash laundry business in Chinatown area, Moving to Texas, New York, and East Rockaway, NY, Living in the back of the laundry. 访谈背景介绍,父亲于1927年赴美,母亲作为战争新娘来美,父亲的兄长经营洗衣店,父亲作为纸儿子入境,父亲在军中服役,改回原名,经济萧条,就职于唐人街的手洗洗衣店,移居得克萨斯州、纽约和东洛克威,在洗衣店背后起居。

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9:35 - Exposure to relatives from mother side, Fourth uncle, John, serving in the Flying Tigers, Third uncle jumping ship at Maryland, Closing to third uncle, Family doing grocery shopping in Chinatown on Sunday, The American Legion, The elders’ club, Adults playing Mahjong, Visiting relatives in Chinatown, The American Legion kids’ programs. 与母亲方的亲戚接触,四舅约翰曾服役于飞虎队,三舅在马里兰跳船,与三舅关系亲昵,每周日全家至唐人街采买,美国退伍军人会,老人中心,成年人打麻将,在唐人街走亲戚,美国退伍军人会亲子活动。

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15:07 - Going to the public school in East Rockaway, The only Chinese family in the town, Joining the catholic church, Going to Kindergarten, Good relationships with his teachers, Grammar school, Junior and senior high school. 就读东洛克威的公立学校,该区唯一的华人家庭,加入天主教会,就读幼儿园,与老师关系良好,文法学校,国高中。

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19:08 - Going to grammar school on Centre Avenue, The East Rockaway Junior/Senior High School, Growing up with the name of Richard Ong Wong, Father Serving in England, Having his name back in 1971, Seat in the classroom changed because of changing name, Godfather having different last names in English and Chinese, The reason of changing the name. 就读中央街上的文法学校,东洛克威国高中,伴Richard Ong Wong之名成长,父亲于英格兰服役,1971年取回原本的名字,教室内的座位随改名更动,教父有不同的中英文姓氏,改名之因。

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26:27 - Living in the laundry since 1958, Parents having their own house in 1963, He having to do his schoolwork by himself, Parents being able to read newspapers and write, Music teacher giving him a B, Being the top student graduating from the grammar school, Competition in grammar school and high school, Growing up with the same group of people. 自1958年在洗衣店的生活,于1963年双亲购置新家,课业上自立自足,双亲能读报、写作,音乐老师为其评分为B,以第一名毕业于文法学校,文法学校及中学时的竞争,与同一群人一同成长。

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33:16 - Racism, Teenagers making comments on him, Knowing other Chinese laundries in East Rockaway, Parents not driving, doing his own research about selecting colleges, The reasons why he got into Princeton, No advanced placement courses in high school, A Princeton alumna interviewing him, Active in sports, Community services, Cub scout, Parents not pressuring him too much on school. 种族主义,青少年会对他品头论足,知悉其他在东洛克威的华人洗衣店,双亲不开车,自行调查大学升学出路,进入普林斯顿大学的原因,中学没有进阶先修课程,一位普林斯顿的校友面试过他,积极参与体育活动,小区服务,童子军,双亲未在课业方面对其施压。

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45:21 - Father knowing Princeton, Speaking Cantonese and Taishanese at home, Going to New York Chinese School in Chinatown on Sunday for two years, Mother as a religious person, April Hosting program at Princeton, Meeting alumni, An alumnus advocating for a separate category in Princeton quota for Chinese Americans, Meeting Judge Denny Chin, Third World Center. 父亲知晓普林斯顿大学,在家说广东话与台山话,周日前往纽约中文学校历时两年,母亲为虔诚的人,普林斯顿四月开放日,与校友交流,一名校友主张华裔美国人应该独立计算其名额,邂逅陈卓光法官,第三世界中心。

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54:28 - Joining Princeton Tower Meeting Club, Charles Lai as a freshman, Economic as one of his inclinations, Majoring in chemistry, The reasons of choosing medicine, Taking physic courses at New York University, physical chemistry and microbiology genetics at Columbia General Studies, Working at the NYU medical center, at the University of California San Francisco medical center in 1980. 加入普林斯顿塔俱乐部,黎重旺是新生,经济为其偏好之一,主修化学,选择医学的原因,于纽约大学修习医学,在哥伦比亚大学通识教育学院选修物理化学、微生物遗传学,就职于纽约大学医学中心,1980年任职于加州大学旧金山分校医学中心。

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63:37 - Experiences of living away from home, He staying with an aunt in California when he was ten, Driving from New York to San Francisco, Parents being not so emotional, Descriptions of his parents, Applying for business school, Interest in investing, Getting into Columbia University in 1983, Summer associate. 离家背井的经验,十岁时与阿姨同居于加州,驱车自纽约至旧金山,双亲不太表达情绪,关于双亲的描述,申请商学院,对投资的兴趣,于1983年进入哥伦比亚大学,暑期实习。

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76:41 - Performing well in the security analyst course, Getting an offer from McCowan Associates (1985-1997), Dreaming of getting into Goldman Sachs, People in McCowan often from Goldman Sachs, Being a partner, Joining Eagle Capital Management in 1997, Initial exposure to investment. 在股市分析课上表现杰出,取得McCowan Associates的职位(自1985年至1997年),梦想进入高盛集团公司,McCowan Associates的同事多来自高盛集团公司,成为合伙人,于1997年加入Eagle Capital Management,初次接触投资。

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82:39 - Homes in San Francisco, Upper West Side, and East Rockaway, House fire in 1968, Living in next-door neighbor’s house in 1969, Rebuilding, Family as his motivation, Differences among Chinese Americans (Suburban Chinese American and Chinatown Chinese American), Words to his parents. 以旧金山、纽约上西城及东洛克威为家,1968年家中火灾,1969年寄居隔壁邻居篱下,重建家园,家人作为他的动力来源,华裔美国人间的差异(郊区华裔美国人及唐人街华裔美国人),给双亲的话。

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