2015.007.009 Interview with Lamgen Leon June 19, 1997


Lamgen Leon, a Chinese man from the Dominican Republic, talks about the circumstances that led to his grandfather to the Dominican Republic. Eventually his grandfather sent for his father, who was a teacher in Hoyping. He then recounts his childhood in the town of Azua with his 7 siblings. Being one of the few Chinese families in the city not many Chinese holidays were celebrated. He discusses his parents desire that he only date Chinese or Chinese Dominican Girls. He continues to talk about how at the age of 9 he was sent to Hong Kong to study and learn Chinese. He returned to the Dominican Republic nearly a decade later and finished high school before moving to New York for college. Then finally in the second half of the interview he talks about how he met his wife Lillian, who worked in a jewelry store in New York. He discusses his choice of school and he eventually came to work at the Chinatown History Project.

0:00 - Introduction, reasons his grandfather decided to leave China, father's immigration to the Dominican Republic, siblings and his own Chinese and Spanish names 背景介绍,祖父决定离开中国的原因,父亲移民到多米尼加共和国,兄弟姐妹和他自己的中文和西班牙名字

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8:08 - Father's first job after immigrating to the Dominican Republic (lottery ticket seller), father's other jobs (charcoal transporter, restaurant and supermarket owner), Chinese customs 父亲移民到多米尼加后的第一份工作(彩票销售员),父亲的其他工作(木炭运输员,餐厅和超市老板),中国海关

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19:03 - Going to Hong Kong for grade school, traveling to NY in 1974, returning to the Dominican Republic in his teens, schooling in China and the Dominican Republic 去香港读小学,1974年去纽约旅行,十几岁时回到多米尼加共和国,在中国和多米尼加共和国上学

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31:03 - Wedding ceremony (NY Chinatown), wedding banquet, wedding games 婚礼(纽约唐人街)、婚宴、婚庆游戏

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44:20 - Parents expectations regarding race and marriage, family in America, China, and the Dominican Republic, where is home 在美国、中国和多米尼加共和国,父母对种族和婚姻、家庭的期望,家在哪里

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53:46 - Coming to work for MOCA, working as a waiter in restaurants, Chino Latino restaurants on the upper west side in the 70s and 80s (La Maravilla, Le Belle China, Apollo Restaurant) 来MOCA工作,在餐厅当服务员,70年代和80年代上西区的Chino Latino餐厅(La Maravilla、Le Belle China、Apollo Restaurant)

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72:01 - Socializing with other Chino Latinos, interactions with the Chinese community, living in Queens, how he met his wife 与其他拉美裔华人交往,与华人社区互动,住在皇后区,他是如何认识他的妻子的

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84:23 - Returning to the Dominican Republic for high school, food at home, Chinese holidays celebrated at home, family's restaurant, playing sports in the Dominican Republic, school friends 回多米尼加上高中,在家吃饭,在家里庆祝中国节日,家人的餐厅,在多米尼加共和国做体育运动,学校的朋友

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97:01 - Parents prejudice against non Chinese, family coming to America, why he decided to come to America 父母对非华裔的偏见,家人来美国,他为什么决定来美国

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101:54 - Going to college in New York, working in New York, how he first became involved with MOCA (then New York Chinatown History Project) 在纽约上大学,在纽约工作,他是如何第一次与 MOCA有交集(那时还是“纽约唐人街历史项目”)

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