2017.041.007 The Family Journey of Betty Lee Sung
Betty Lee Sung, MOCA Fourth Annual Celebration of Community Heroes Honoree, is an activist, author, and professor emeritus of City University of New York (CUNY). As a scholar of Asian American studies, her several publications on Asian American race issues have been recognized as an influential force in advancing the rights of Asian Americans and immigrants in the United States. Sung holds an honorary doctorate from the State University of New York Old Westbury. In the interview, she talked about her childhood, her school and education, family, career, her publication, and creation of the CUNY Asian American and Asian Research Institute (AAARI).

0:00 - Introduction, Early childhood (Baltimore, Washington DC), Father’s immigration to San Francisco from Toishan (1908), Father was a paper son, Discussion about the paper son phenomenon, 访谈背景介绍,童年(巴尔的摩、华盛顿哥伦比亚特区),父亲自台山移民旧金山(1908年),父亲为纸生仔,关于纸生仔现象的讨论

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11:07 - Great Depression, Repatriation to China during Japanese invasion, living in Taishan and Canton, Returning to the US (13-14 Years old), Working in family laundry in Washington DC, High School life (experiences of racism). 大萧条,中日战争时被遣返中国,居于台山及广东,重返美国(十三、十四岁),就业于在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的家族洗衣坊,高中生涯(种族歧视的经验)

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19:44 - Pressure to marry young, issues with her father, working at Army map service during WWII, going to the University of Illinois, Studying sociology and economics, social life at university. 早婚压力,与父亲间的问题,二战期间于美军地图处服务,就读伊利诺伊大学,学习社会学与经济学,大学的社交生活

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27:27 - Difficulty finding a job after university, working at Voice of America, “Chinese Activities” program for VOA (5 years), Going to City College, Challenges writing the book Mountain of Gold, Creating an Asian studies course with limited resources. 大学毕业后的就业困难,就业于美国之音,为美国之音主持「中华事务」(五年之久),转任于纽约市立学院,著述《金山客》的种种挑战,在有限的资源下开设亚洲研究课程

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40:22 - Demographic of students in her City College course, Ending of the Asian studies program, Creation of the CUNY Asian American and Asian Research Institute (AAARI), Thoughts on interracial marriage and adoption. 市立学院的学生背景分布,结束亚洲研究课程,于纽约市立大学设立亚裔研究所(缩写为AAARI),对跨种族婚姻与收养的想法

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50:12 - Current state of Asian American Studies, talk about her children, reluctance of the Chinese to talk uncomfortable topics, thoughts on her own cultural identity, learning Mandarin, talk about raising her kids. 亚裔研究的现况,提其他的孩子,华人不愿谈及不舒服的话题,对个人文化认同的想法,学习普通话,论及抚养小孩的经过

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61:39 - Reminiscing about her academic career, talk about her students, living in Douglaston, NY, Changes in Manhattan’s Chinatown. 追忆其学术事业,提及学生,居于纽约州道格拉斯顿,曼哈顿唐人街的改变

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69:58 - Younger generation’s lack of interest in learning about their heritage, How she sees her legacy, Hardships after college, reconciling with her father, advice to younger generation (interracial marriage and raising mixed children), 年轻一代缺乏对自身文化遗产的兴趣,她如何看待自己的文化遗产,大学毕业后的艰困岁月,与父亲和解,给年轻一代的建议(跨种族婚姻及抚养混血儿)

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