2015.048.015 The Family Journey of Theodore Chao
Theodore Chao, born in Shanghai, China, immigrated to Virginia and grew up in Hampton at a young age. He begins the interview by sharing his connection to the MOCA which he was first introduced to by his mother. He continues to speak of his mother colorful upbringing as a Virginia native of Toisan heritage and touches on her educational background in NYC where she met his father. He describes his father tumultuous journey, escaping reeducation camp in Guangdong, eventually reuniting with his family in America. he recounts his life growing up in Virginia. He talks about his uncle Ernest, who served in the US army and was in Nanjing during the end of WWII. Theodore and his family story ends with his reflection on his children experience growing up Chinese American in Summit, New Jersey. He finishes with several anecdotes about maintaining a connection with his Chinese roots, the language, and the tight knit personal relationships that have shaped his and his family experiences.

0:00 - Introductions, how he became associated with MOCA, his lack of connection with Chinatown, grandfather’s life in China and Virginia, moving his family back to Canton to receive an education, mother’s schooling in Canton then being sent back to Virginia during Japanese bombings of China, mother going to Columbia teacher’s college during WWII and meeting her husband. 背景介绍,如何与MOCA建立关系,与唐人街的联系缺乏,祖父在中国和弗吉尼亚州的生活,将家人搬回广州接受教育,母亲在广州上学,然后在日本轰炸中国期间被送回弗吉尼亚州,母亲在第二次世界大战期间就读哥伦比亚师范学院,遇到她的丈夫。

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11:28 - Mother’s life in China when she was brought back in her early teens, Michael Woo’s political campaign, family genealogy search, mother and father’s Chinese names, parent’s marriage in China, father’s work at a shipping venture in Shanghai shortly after his birth. 母亲在十几岁的时候回到中国的生活,胡紹基的政治竞选活动,家庭谱系搜索,父母的中文名字,父母在中国的婚姻,在他出生后不久父亲在上海一家航运公司的工作。

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21:55 - Father’s aspirations of being an air force pilot, Taiwan Cultural office photo exhibition featuring a photographer(doesn’t recollect name) that photographed his father and the situation that led to their encounter, him and his mother’s first years in the US (California), 50th high school reunion in 2015 in Hampton, Virginia. 父亲渴望成为一名空军飞行员,台湾文化办公室摄影作品展展出一位摄影师(想不起名字了)拍摄的他的父亲以及导致他们境遇的形势,他和他的母亲在美国(加利福尼亚州)的头几年,2015年在弗吉尼亚州汉普顿举行的毕业50周年高中同学聚会。

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32:14 - Growing up in Hampton Virginia, being Chinese in Virginia and his interactions with other Chinese in the community, his mother and father’s time in Shanghai, his father’s escape from communist China. 他在弗吉尼亚州汉普顿长大,作为弗吉尼亚州的华人,在社区中与其他华人的交往,他的母亲和父亲在上海的生活,父亲逃离了共产主义中国。

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44:51 - Captain Tai (one of his father’s classmates) and his relationship with his father, returning to Shanghai China as an adult to visit family in the early 80s, Uncle Ernest’s life (joined the US army, being in Nanjing during the end of the war). 泰船长(父亲的同学之一)及其与父亲的关系,成年后于80年代初返回中国上海探望家人,欧内斯特叔叔的一生(加入了美国军队,在战争后期在南京)。

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56:26 - His grandparents being in the US, decision to be a part of MOCA’s journey wall, undergrad at the University of Maryland and grad school in Georgia. 他的祖父母在美国,决定加入MOCA历程墙,在马里兰大学读本科在佐治亚州读研究生院。

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64:00 - How was his southern demeanor was received in NY, raising his children in New York City and Summit New Jersey, Chinese traditions his mother practiced, he discusses where is home for him, mother’s value on friendship and family. 他的南方风度如何在纽约受到欢迎,在纽约市和新泽西州的萨米特抚养孩子,他母亲实践的中国传统,他认为家在哪里,母亲对友谊和家庭的重视。

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