2015.048.012 The Family Journey of Savio Tung
Investment banker Savio Tung talks about his family life in China and their journey to the US. He talks about his father restaurant in Hong Kong, which went bankrupt and led to him crossing paths with American businessman Cornelius Vander Starr. He talks about how Starr was able to help his family in the US and provide valuable advice and guidance to him growing up. In the US, after going to school he gets a job working for Chase Manhattan bank and has a long time career in banking.

0:00 - Introduction, moving from Hong Kong to New York in 1968, interactions with Cornelius Vander Starr( C.V. Starr), living in Brewster New York, C.V. Starr helping out his family, going to school in Danbury Connecticut, C.V. Starr’s passing and interactions with his successor at American International Group (AIG) Hank Greenberg. 背景介绍,1968年从香港搬到纽约,与住在纽约布鲁斯特的Cornelius Vander Starr(C.V。Starr)的往来。斯塔尔帮助他的家人,去康涅狄格州丹伯里市上学。斯塔尔的逝世和与其在美国国际集团(AIG)的继任者汉克·格林伯格(Hank Greenberg)之间的互动。

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10:41 - Initial thoughts when his family decided to immigrate to the US, adjusting to life in the US and trying to fit in, coming to NYC to go to school at Columbia University, his father’s life (WWII, Kunming, Hong Kong, London), his father’s restaurant (The Parliament) in Hong Kong, restaurant’s bankruptcy and its effects on the family. 他的家人决定移民美国时的最初想法,适应美国的生活并试图找到自己的位置,来纽约的哥伦比亚大学上学他父亲的生活(二战,昆明,香港,伦敦),父亲在香港的餐厅(The Parliament),餐厅的破产及其对家庭的影响。

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21:29 - How his father originally met C.V. Starr, C.V. Starr’s love of Chinese culture and people, his father’s job working at Morefar, recollections of his interactions with C.V. Starr, how C.V. Starr helped his family. 他父亲最初是如何遇到斯塔尔(C.V. Starr)的,斯塔尔对中国文化和中国人民的热爱,他父亲在莫尔法(Morefar)的工作,回忆与斯塔尔的往来,斯塔尔对他家人的帮助。

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32:37 - Experience at Columbia university, graduating in 1973 during a recession, going into accounting and deciding to get an MBA after graduation, joining a training program at Chase. 在哥伦比亚大学的经验,在经济衰退期间于1973年毕业,进入会计专业并决定毕业后获得MBA,加入了Chase的一个培训课程。

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42:29 - How he was able to effectively assimilate into America society, being sent to the Bahrain office and his career, talking about his siblings (education, career). 他如何能够有效地融入美国社会,被派往巴林办公室和他的职业,谈论他的兄弟姐妹(教育,职业)。

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55:13 - Catholic faith, demographic of visitors to Morefar, C.V. Starr’s philanthropic efforts, philanthropic values he took from C.V. Starr, thoughts on MOCA and how it can better support the Chinese American community, benefits afforded to him and how he wants to pay it forward, career advice. 天主教信仰,莫尔法访问者的人口分布,斯塔尔的慈善事业,他从斯塔尔那里获得的慈善价值观,对MOCA的想法以及MOCA可以如何更好地支持华裔美国人社区,给他带来的好处以及他希望如何把这个好处传递下去,职业建议。

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