2015.008.002 Interview with Arthur Dong September 9, 1999


Arthur Dong begins this interview discussing the nightclub scene for Asian Americans during World War II and how there was a positive association with Chinese Americans and China that many of the US felt in contrast to a negative image of Japanese. He goes on to comment on the number of Japanese and Korean American (all American born) performers that masqueraded as Chinese American and reflects upon defying and performing stereotypes in regard to Chinese American performers and rolls in film. He goes on to mention the various reunions and legacies that have occurred since the China Doll Night Club and Flower Drum Song came out. He talks about methods of preserving history (through film and through collecting artifacts). A main focus of this interview is the depiction (and lack thereof) of Chinese Americans in media representations. He says he doesn’t want there to be a black and white, traditional and Westernized, view of Chinese Americans and he speculates that stereotypes about Chinese men and women may have gotten worse in part due to political tensions between China and the US. He discusses issues of Chinese (and Asian) American identity and agency how people’s performances professional and of their own identity can relate to issues of culture.

0:00 - 第二次世界大战期间的亚洲表演者,对亚裔演员,韩国和日本演员的歧视 Asian performers during World War II era, anecdotes about discrimination against Asians; Koreans and Japanese performers

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7:44 - 在表演中描绘亚洲身份象征的刻板印象,黄美玉 Portraying stereotypes of Asian identity in performance, Jadin Wong

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10:29 - 打破表演行业种族的障碍;亚洲女性特征 Breaking barriers of race in performance industry; Asian female sexuality

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14:34 - 电影花鼓歌中的亚洲演员,谈论博物馆的项目,金环奖,铃木千代子 Asian actors in film, Flower Drum Song, talk about the museum's projects, Golden Ring awards, Pat Suzuki

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25:32 - 杂耍表演(朗德山等),一般对话 Vaudeville acts(Long Tak Sam, etc.), general conversation

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33:17 - 亚洲男性弱势,老一代和新一代的理想冲突,异国情调的女性刻板印象 Asian male emasculation, clashing of older and newer generation ideals, exotic woman stereotypes

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40:08 - 导致中国夜总会繁荣的因素,保留民族认同的重要性,现今中国夜总会存在的可能性 Factors leading to the proliferation of the Chinese nightclubs, importance of retaining ethnic identity, possibility of a Chinese night club today

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48:49 - 新加坡之歌(外百老汇音乐剧),中国各大俱乐部开办者的动机 Song of Singapore (Off Broadway show), owner motivations for starting Chinese nigh clubs, Charlie Lo

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52:50 - 文化冲突,不把电影焦点放在种族主义上的决定,亚裔美国人在主流媒体中缺乏代表性 Cultural clashes, decision not to focus the film on racism, Asian American lack of representation in mainstream media

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