2015.007.014 Interview with Staceyann Chin


Staceyann Chin, a spoken word performer, talks about growing up in Jamaica and how her ethnic identity played into her childhood interactions. She goes on to discuss how anti gay sentiment in Jamaica caused her to immigrate to the US.

0:00 - 母亲(牙买加人)和父亲(牙买加华人)家族史,成长过程中种族的角色,在牙买加的小学 Mother (Jamaican) and Father (Chinese Jamaican) family history, role of ethnicity while growing up, primary school in Jamaica

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7:47 - 宗教,食物,在牙买加长大的朋友圈,母亲在牙买加的工作,与她的中国传统的协调 Religion, food, circle of friends growing up in Jamaica, mother's job in Jamaica, reconciling with her Chinese heritage

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13:43 - 与哥哥的关系,离开牙买加的原因(不接受女同性恋),住在纽约,从牙买加带来的物品,与美国其他艺术家/作家的互动 Relationship with her brother, reasons for leaving Jamaica (not accepting of lesbians), living in New York, items she brought from Jamaica, interactions with other artists/writers in America

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21:51 - 离开牙买加的感受,访问牙买加,民族认同,别人如何看待她的种族,哪里是她的家 Feelings about leaving Jamaica, visiting Jamaica, ethnic identity, how others view her ethnicity, where is home for her family

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29:10 - 木刻雕刻令人联想起牙买加,民族认同在她的诗歌中如何体现,她如何开始写作,她的观众,20年来她在哪里看到了自己 Wood carvings reminiscent of Jamaica, how ethnic identity presents itself in her poetry, how she started writing, her audience, where does she see herself in 20 years

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